BRAVO pH Study
A test to measure levels of acid reflux from your stomach.You can request your preferred location when you contact us
BRAVO pH monitoring is a minimally invasive test that evaluates whether acid from the stomach is refluxing into the esophagus and causing various symptoms. It is an effective method in monitoring the pH levels in your oesophagus over time.
The procedure involves temporarily attaching a small capsule, no larger than the size of a gel cap, to the wall of the oesophagus. It is placed during a short gastroscopy procedure and stays in place for 3-4 days before it is passed naturally.
The capsule measures pH levels and transmits readings wirelessly to a small receiver (about the size of a mobile phone) that the patient carries with them.
Why would you need a BRAVO pH study?
BRAVO pH testing is performed to diagnose conditions that affect the health and function of the oesophagus. Your consultant may arrange the test to investigate symptoms including:
- Acid reflux
- Heartburn
- Pain on swallowing
- Difficulty swallowing
- Chest pain unrelated to the heart
You can see specialist consultants and have a range of scans and tests at either one of the below facilities. If you need a procedure, this will be carried out at KIMS Hospital in Maidstone.
KIMS Hospital, Maidstone
Find out more about the facilities available at KIMS Hospital.
Sevenoaks Medical Centre
Find out more about Sevenoaks Medical Centre, our consulting and diagnostic facility for patients in West Kent.
The above are guide prices only.
RefluxUK is an independent CQC registered healthcare provider which is working in partnership with KIMS Hospital. Any enquiries made via the KIMS Hospital enquiry line are transferred directly to RefluxUK where an outpatient appointment with a consultant will be arranged by a member of their team. The pre-operative multi-disciplinary team (MDT) assessment is performed by RefluxUK.
Whilst a patient is in the hospital, a consultant who has practising privileges at KIMS Hospital will take responsibility for the patient together with the KIMS Hospital team. Upon discharge, patient care will be transferred back to RefluxUK together with operation notes and the discharge summary.
In the event of any post-operative complication, patient care will continue to be provided by KIMS Hospital until any issues are resolved. Regular meetings between KIMS Hospital and RefluxUK will take place to review the service, quality & governance, and patient feedback.
- Make a general enquiry