Our bodies come in all different shapes and sizes and we understand that small changes can make a world of difference to your comfortYou can request your preferred location when you contact us
Women’s external genitalia come in a wide-range of shapes and sizes. The labia can also become traumatised by child-birth. For some of us, large labia can cause discomfort, and this can be a particular issue during intimacy, or when performing activities such as cycling, horse-riding, or using saddle-seats.
These problems can be improved with labiaplasty surgery. This is a procedure that reduces the size and shape of the labia minora (inner lips) or labia majora (outer lips).
Providing you with expert advice to support your decision
If you have issues such as those outlined above, then you may benefit from labiaplasty surgery. At KIMS Hospital and Sevenoaks Medical Centre the cosmetic and plastic surgery teams will work closely with Consultants in Gynaecology to determine the best treatment for your needs.
When you book a consultation, you can choose to have this at KIMS Hospital or Sevenoaks Medical Centre and you will be seen by the Consultant who will perform your surgery. Surgery will take place at KIMS Hospital. Your Consultant will provide you with guidance on the results you can expect, the recovery time and the additional information you need to help make the right decision for you. They will also follow you all the way through your recovery. This relationship is important to help you get the best possible results.
You can see expert consultants and have a range of scans and tests at either one of our facilities below. If you need a procedure or surgery, this will be carried out at KIMS Hospital in Maidstone.
KIMS Hospital, Maidstone
Find out more about the facilities available at KIMS Hospital.
Sevenoaks Medical Centre
Find out more about Sevenoaks Medical Centre, our consulting and diagnostic facility for patients in West Kent.
Prices & payment
The above are guide prices only.

What does a labiaplasty procedure involve?
The operation is normally carried out under local or general anaesthetic as a day case and lasts approximately one to two hours.
Your Consultant will remove any unwanted tissue, and the loose edge will be stitched, and then special non-stick and absorbable pad dressings applied.
It is likely that you will come back after a week for a post-operative consultation and you should be able to return to work that is not physically strenuous by one to two weeks after the procedure.
Will it hurt?
Local anaesthetic is always used to numb the surgical area and improve comfort during early recovery. The labia may become swollen and uncomfortable for some days following surgery, so it is best to take regular painkillers, and continue using pad dressings. It is also important to pay attention to hygiene to reduce chances of infection.
Where will my surgery take place?
Regardless of where you had your initial consultation, all surgical procedures take place at KIMS Hospital in Maidstone. Most outpatient appointments, including follow up appointments with your Consultant, can take place at either KIMS Hospital or Sevenoaks Medical Centre.
- Make a general enquiry
- Appointment enquiry
Our team are on hand to help answer any queries you might have about coming to KIMS Hospital or Sevenoaks Medical Centre. You can use the form below and one of our team will be in touch. Alternatively to speak to a member of our team, please call 01622 237 727.
Enquiry hours are Mon-Thurs 8am-8pm, Fri 8am-6pm and Saturday 8am-4pm.
If you would like to book an appointment, you can use the form below and one of our team will be in touch.
Alternatively to speak to a member of our friendly team, please call 01622 237 500 between Mon-Thurs 8am-8pm, Fri 8am-6pm and Saturday 8am-4pm.
Please be aware, if you are requesting a diagnostic scan such as an MRI, or CT, you must have a referral from a relevant clinician or Allied Health professional such as a physiotherapist.